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Why is waxing more efficient than shaving?
Waxing will not give you the inconvenient scrapes or cuts other methods will often bring you. It soothes the skin by making body hair grow thinner, allowing your skin to be smoother, silkier and healthier.
What exactly is a Brazilian Wax?
Brazilian waxing consists in removing all pubic hair or leaving a small vertical strip of hair left.
Individuals do not need necessarily to be fully exposed to waxing professional for the Brazilian Wax. Customers can request a small towel to cover the intimate parts, however is more common to allow estheticians to view the areas being waxed so they can see the client’s progress.
Are Brazilian waxes painful?
There is a certain degree of discomfort experienced during a Brazilian wax. But, the discomfort decreases with each wax. A good advice is to take Ibupfofen or similar medicine an hour prior to waxing session, in order to prepare your body.




How should I prepare for a hair removal treatment?
For body waxing, plan to exfoliate or scrub the area to be waxed on the day before your treatment, just make sure you don't forget to exfoliate in the upwards motion. Circular or zig-zag motions can actually break the hair.  Sometimes redness and some swelling are normal and should go away after a few hours after treatment.


I have a sexually transmitted disease or infection, can I still wax?

If I’m pregnant, can I still wax?
Of course.

What should I do after waxing?
Avoid tanning, working out, sunbathe, or taking hot baths, showers, saunas and others activities that may result in you sweating as your pores are wide open and most susceptible to infection for the next 24 hours after waxing.  We recommend exfoliating your skin for a few days after your waxing session to remove dead skin cells that may clog up your pores.  Also, avoid wearing tight clothes as it could irritate your skin.



Do not shave in between waxing session. Shaving will make your hairs grow thicker, darker and faster.


"Any topic discussed in this article IS NOT intended as medical advice.
If you have a medical concern, please consult your doctor."




Frequently Asked Waxing Questions

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